As your belly grows so does your need to take care of your aching new physique. Whether it be a prenatal massage or just taking the time to apply body butter, in these 9 months, self care is a must! A massage is wonderful for you and your growing baby. It boosts circulation, decreases muscle tension, and of course relaxes the mommy to be!

It’s very important that your masseuse is certified to work with prenatal clients and is also well aware of trigger points to avoid. Also be sure to avoid saunas, steam rooms, and hot baths while pregnant. 

In addition to muscle aches, our new expanding bellies and breasts can result in discomfort and lovely stretch marks. In order to avoid or to at least minimize the lasting effects of stretch marks, I advise you to use creams and oils twice, daily.


Mama Mia

Tubby Rub Oil and ButterBoob Tube



Stretch Mark CreamStretch Mark Oil, & Organic Belly Butter



